金曜日, 10月 31, 2014

Halloween in Tokyo 2014

Cool Japan, the goals of which are to promote the nation’s creativity-based industries both in Japan and overseas.

金曜日, 10月 24, 2014

Seiei Jack3.5


What is your favorite color?

Black 脳切りジャックの異名をとっているジャックフリーマンは少なくとも4000件のロボトミーを行なっていた。

金曜日, 10月 17, 2014

1987 2

26 June 1987

Thanx for sending Apocalypse. I enjoyed
it. I believe I will review it for my next
issue of PhotoStatic. and if I do, I will
surely send you a copy.

Best wishes to you and your project
Tape Beatles

木曜日, 10月 16, 2014


I had been made my first video art titled ”the Oto hunting” which was influenced by John Cage and Andy Warhol in 1983.  